Montana Actors’ Theatre program for kids starts next week

Montana Actors’ Theatre program for kids starts next week


June 15, 2016, By Alex Ross, Havre Daily News

Montana Actors’ Theatre will launch its KidsMAT Acting up! summer theater camp in Havre Monday, before later traveling to other area communities.

The camp, which is for children ages 5 to 13, will meet at the Little Theater at Montana State University-Northern from Monday to Thursday next week.

Jay Pyette, MAT artistic director, said the camp involves its young participants in every element of the production, including writing the play, building the set and doing costume design as well as performing in the play.

He said the children will meet each day 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. during the four-day camp. Pyette said that the Little Theatre will serve as the group’s camp site,

Campers will take part in activities to improve their skills in acting, team-building, knowledge of the theater and rehearse for the show.

Campers will leave at 3 p.m. Thursday but then return for a pizza dinner and a final rehearsal at 5 p.m., before performing their play.

KidsMAT will then be in Chinook from June 27 to 30 at the Chinook High School Auditorium, Malta High School, July 11 to 14 and Hays-Lodge Pole High School, July 18 to 21.

The camp will then come back to Havre for another weeklong session Aug. 8 to 11.

Pyette said that though some of the camps have had as many as 70 people, they want to limit them to 50 children each.

Every child will receive a MAT T-shirt and water bottle.

The camp is $45 for the first child per household and $25 for each additional child.

Children can be signed up at